
Refuse to Settle

  • Get your business back on track 
  • Act on the whispers that there’s something more
  • Cut away waste, distractions and overwhelm – get FOCUSED
  • Get refreshed and REVITALIZED
  • Get absolute, simple CLARITY!

Nate Lindquist

CEO/Founder – Innerspire®, Inc.,

The Minimalist CEO

The GIFTS Formula® Business Mentor, Philanthropist, Venture Investor

Nate Lindquist

CEO/Founder – Innerspire®, Inc.

The Minimalist CEO

& The GIFTS Formula®
Business Mentor, Philanthropist, Venture Investor

Refuse to Settle

  • Get your business back on track 
  • Act on the whispers that there’s something more
  • Cut away waste, distractions and overwhelm – get FOCUSED
  • Get refreshed and REVITALIZED
  • Get absolute, simple CLARITY!

If this is you, we can help today …

Spread Too Thin …

“I’m burning out here… getting busier, working harder, putting in the hours… but, not seeing any real progress in prot or progress! And, I’m missing kid’s events and time for myself.”

Too Much Competition …

“The competition is getting harder to battle. We’re losing projects that we should have gotten. We need to sign more business and stop the guessing and junk food marketing!”

I’m Longing For More …

“I’ve built a good business and don’t want to loose it… but, I feel like I could do more to win. It’s like a sense of purpose is locked up and an adventure I’m missing or something.”

Exponential Business Success Comes Down To This

Too often new, clever strategies make the headlines and meeting agendas.  The lead development tricks, Facebook ads or any other “quick fix silver bullets” miss the mark when it comes to creating sustainable and scalable business success.  There are deeper issues causing most businesses and their owners to struggle.  But, the right training and mentoring – that focuses on the simple truths hiding just behind the clutter – business and their owners feel alive again and… dreams come true.

Build a helping system that’s also your calling and quest and succeed even better than ever! Start by cutting away non essentials.

Do you find yourself seeking and searching for more answers to build even more business success? What if rather than adding… you can cut away non-essentials and turn your business into a well-oiled, profit-making, freedom-creating machine? How many people would you love to help this year? Make sales, competition traffic jams and profit growth a worry of the past by tapping into Predictable Demand Method™.

Working with Nate and his team, you’ll also learn about how to tap into your true calling and gifts, using the life and business success system that is the foundation of all his teaching… The GIFTS® Formula.

  • Stop the waste and frustration caused by competing
  • Build the version of your business that’s even more valuable to you (and them)
  • Put systems in place that free you up fast
  • Find the leverage to work on what matters, not just work for work’s sake
  • Break through that income glass ceiling

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Full Service Mentoring Program

Now in its Second Edition

Get Your Copy of Nate’s book

Excuse Removal Blueprint: 7 Steps to Your Greatest Breakthrough

Featuring “The GIFTS Formula”

Turn the chaos into one project and simple rituals

There’s never enough time – right? When business and life pulls you in hundreds of different directions every day… it’s frustrating. What should you work on first? How do you make progress in the business, while also being there for your spouse, kiddos and even… your own health and well-being?

You need a plan that makes this simple so your business can give you more life and freedom, rather than taking it away – one grind on the wheel at a time. Get access to a free 4 video training that will help you understand what this powerful system is all about and how it can help you starting now.

  • Pulled in too many directions
  • Missing kids events
  • Trying to work harder… but can’t
  • Unsure where to push
  • No time for yourself – or space to get clarity
  • Unsure what to do each day to make progress on what matters

Get a worthy adversary!

Are you tapping into your Super Human GIFTS?

Obstacles, challenges and adversaries are all part of the game of winning in life and business. Learning how to turn these into the launchpads for success, rather than reasons to get stuck – or worse – STOP, will change the game for you. Your biggest challenge has critical messages for you that you must understand if you really want to win.

Learn how to discover and share your GIFTS® and your true calling and never settle again! Find out how you can order this bestseller now and also how to gain access to this powerhouse training course for business owners!

The GIFTS® Formula

The GIFTS® Formula is our exclusive coaching and training program for business owners who are looking to tap into the incredible resourcefulness and strength that’s only available when your project is even bigger than you or your business.  Think of the 90 lb woman who lifted the car off her child.  She didn’t find her strength because she was thinking about herself… she did it because she was called to a greater purpose.

If you’re life were a movie trailer, would you want to watch it?

Do you want to discover your ultimate purpose and calling and turn your work into your quest?

  • There are 5 Criteria that tell you exactly what you’re purpose is
  • You have super-human powers (wanna unlock ’em?)
  • What if your life had a movie trailer – would you watch the film? 
  • Let’s rewrite the script and get you on your own hero’s journey!