
If your life were a movie trailer…
Would you watch the movie?  
If not, let’s change that!

The GIFTS® Formula

Business Results Training Program

Nate Lindquist created this business and life success training program after experiencing both a personal and financial crash.

After losing 7 figures in one day and reflecting on what helping others and building a business and life is truly about – he shifted his entire thinking to “How may I serve?” from the former, “What can I get?” focus of the business.  This is when he sat down to map out the exact formula that he teaches his clients today.  Not only has it changed his life – but it’s now been taught to thousands around the world.

Using the GIFTS® Formula you’re going to be on a path to creating total certainty and taking charge of building HUGE, consistent momentum in your business and life.  The formula is holistic, fully integrating all aspects of personal and professional performance to optimize all of your efforts – thus achieving the ultimate goal… TOTAL CERTAINTY in your ability to share your greatest gifts with your clients, those you care about, and the world.  It works in 2 phases.

The first phase asks the BIG questions about your level of commitment to each of the GIFTS® Criteria.  When you get a yes, you’ll gain access to the 6 elements of ultimate results creation – inside the formula!  To successfully implement this formula as the guidance system for your business and life, you must operate from a place of total TRUTH and relentless COMMITMENT to taking consistent ACTION!

If you’re ready to listen to those whispers that “there’s something more than this”…  and would enjoy jumping on a strategy call directly with Nate or one of our business momentum specialists, just click the button below and share some information about yourself so we can get in touch.  The good news is that on the call our only goal is to help you get clarity and learn how to implement The GIFTS® Formula into your business to get that momentum you need.  And, if there’s a sense that we can help you move forward faster, maybe we can even share what working together might look like.  That will only come up if you ask.  Regardless, let’s get you moving forward!